SkillBase and Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), a multinational services US company with deep roots in the oil & gas industry and domain leadership in knowledge management (KM), formed a partnership to bring the best of breed thinking to the Kuwait Petroleum Sector
High Level: The intent and desire of the Kuwait Petroleum Company (KPC) is to embed the learning and reuse of best practices, ulti¬mately enabling performance improvements across the entire organization. The Project was delivered on-time and on-budget successfully meeting its business objectives.
Business Challenge: Finding a proven approach to tailoring and embedding a method¬ology for the effective transfer of best practices across the entire organisation.
SkillBase value proposition: The partnership between SkillBase and SAIC is based on leveraging the best knowledge and experience of both companies to deliver the best value and ensure the success of the project. Both companies committed senior officers to be corporate offi¬cers-in-charge (COIC) to ensure the authority necessary for effective project execution and to quickly access any additional resources if the need arises. The COICs were also involved in the quality assurance and quality control of the entire project. Our approach was based on flat lines of authority that allow the program manager sufficient authority to organize and execute assigned responsi¬bilities efficiently and cost-effectively. The approach provided the flexibility necessary for efficient per¬formance of simultaneous tasks.
Quote from KPC Management:
KPC and the K-Companies have delivered remarkable business results to date. But the world and our business is rapidly changing. Our ability to learn quickly from each other is key to our continued growth and success. Sharing and transferring best practices routinely across our work teams and leaders will enable us to do things better, faster and cheaper, without having to spend even more time at work stay ahead in our marketplaces. This is what KPC and our consultants have teamed up to do: share and transfer the right things for the right reasons, making your life easier in the process. There is always a better way.
KPC Management